Yidencafe is a conceptual cafe in Kiev, located right at the owners home. These guys reached to us with a request to make an interesting and vivid video for promoting their venue.What is noteworthy, this video after publication showed a result 20% better than a regular post, even without ads 🙂
Key services
Client`s feedback
In addition to the classic «well done» and «very cool» I’d like to describe the cooperation. The shooting process itself was interesting, I was in the process with the team. It is important when in addition to responsibilities (with deadlines and punctuality) there is an opportunity to have fun. Here are the statistics. The unusual first picture showed more interest among the guests of my page. At first, I posted this animation on Instagram without advertising.
In average we received about 20% likes more than «classic» content (post or photo) even without advertisement. It seems that the presence of a non-classical picture on the screen is paying extra attention. And now with advertising. I started advertising this animation and it brought in 24% more leads, almost a quarter. Audience, location, and age settings
remain the same as in previous ads. Just the concept itself made the viewer stop and pay attention to the product.
When I was just going to order the animation I already knew that the animation attracted my attention as well. And I found them just because of the ad that flew into my account.
In short, you guys are cool as hell! Highly recommend!
Evgeny Dovgalyuk,
founder of Yiden Cafe